Wool & Sheep
CHIEF STEWARD: Michael Davis
STEWARDS: Phillip Ridge, Richard Ridge
1. Exhibitors must own the sheep from which the wool is taken and be predominantly grown in the Western Division.
2. Fleeces must be skirted to the industry code of practice. Any fleeces not skirted to these standards will not be judged.
3. Not more than 12 months growth. The P &A Association have been advised by the wool brokers that the industry regards wools in excess of 110mm as being excessive in length. Therefore, fleeces exceeding this length will be classed as excessively grown and judged accordingly.
4. Fleeces to be at showground by 10am on Friday prior to showday
5. Once the fleece is judged the value of the fleece becomes the nomination
6. All fleeces to be judged on the following points: (Maximum points in brackets)- Trueness to Type (10), Length (10), Soundness (10), Colour (6), Character (10), Softness (8), Density (6), Evenness (10),Top and Noil (30). TOTAL 100.
7. Grand Champion Fleece and Best Commercial Fleece will be sent to the RAS Show.
The sections are —
Class 1 – Fine Wool Fleece
Class 2 – Medium/Strong Fleece
Class 3 – Fine Wool Fleece
Class 4 – Medium/Strong Wool Fleece
Class 5 Weaner
Prizes in each class receive a cheque for 1st $10 to be collected from Secretary’s Office on Show Day, plus ribbon.
The Committee gratefully acknowledges the following sponsorship:
Grand Champion Fleece (fleece with the highest points) – Nutrien Walsh Hughes, Perpetual Trophy donated by Bourke Merino Breeders Association
Best Commercial Fleece (Fleece with the highest $ value) - Elders Bourke
Champion Weaners Fleece - Schute Bell Whitbread & Co
In the event of an individual fleece winning more than one trophy, the minor trophies will be awarded to the second placegetter in that section. Judges or stewards may transfer any exhibit from any one class to another
STEWARDS: Bill Stalley and Scott Mitchell
Entry Fee: $1 per head or $2 per pen
Exhibitors are asked to advise the Stewards the night before the show of the number of entries they have.
Class 1 - Pen of 3 Ewe Lambs
Class 2 - Pen of 3 Ewes, 2 or 4 tooth
Class 3 - Pen of 3 Ewes, 6 or full mouth
Class 4 - Pen of 3 Wether Lambs
Class 5 - Pen of 3 Ewe Lambs or 2 tooth
Class 6 - Pen of 3 Ewes, 4, 6 or full mouth
Class 7 - Pen of 3 Wether Lambs
Class 8 - Pen of 3 Ewe Lambs
Class 9 - Pen of 3 Wether Lambs
Class 10 - Pen of 3 Ewes, 2 or 4 tooth
Class 11 - Pen of 3 Ewes, 6 or full mouth
Conditions of Entry:
1. Flock sheep only may be entered.
2. All entries to be unhoused sheep.
3. All entries to bear exhibitors registered earmark.
4. Only sheep from Western Division eligible.
5. Entry Fee: $2 per pen. Single entries $1 per head to be paid before judging.
6. First Prize class winners $10 to be collected from Secretary’s Office on Show Day.
Ewes in Classes 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6, automatically included in Grand Champion and Reserve Champion Ewe plus single entries will be received.
Grand Champion Ewe - trophy donated by Wyuna Merino Stud; Bourke Merino Breeders Association Perpetual Trophy
Reserve Champion Ewe - trophy donated by Mullengudgery Stud, Nyngan
Champion Pen of 3 Ewes - trophy donated by Australian Wool Network
Champion Pen of 3 Lambs - trophy donated by Shindy’s Inn Hotel, Louth
Grazier who Exhibits the Most Sheep - trophy donated by Whitneys Jewellers Dubbo
Champion Pen of Short Wool Sheep - trophy donated by Carter, Lindsay & Weber
Champion Pen of Commercial Sheep - MH Tully Memorial Trophy
Champion Pen of Meat Sheep