Ring Program
75cm AM7: Unregistered & D Grade Horses with Nil Points
100cm A2: Open to all horses up to and including D Grade Level
1.15cm AM7: Open to all horses up to and including C Grade Level
45cm AM7: 12 years and Under
60cm A2: Open
Keith Lowe Memorial Shield. 75cm AM7: Under 17 years
120cm AM7: Open to all horses up to and including C Grade Level
Junior 6 Bar 16 years and under:
130cm AM7: Open
Sporting Events
Ladies Bending Race
Gents Bending Race
Ladies Flag Race
Gents Flag Race
Ladies Barrel Race
Gents Barrel Race
Bending Race
Under 8 years
8 and under 10 years
10 and under 12 years
12 and under 15 years
15 and under 17 years
Flag Race
Under 8 years
8 and under 10 years
10 and under 12 years
12 and under 15 years
15 and under 17 years
Barrel Race
Under 8 years
8 and under 10 years
10 and under 12 years
12 and under 15 years
15 and under 17 years
Ring A
Jim Gorrie Memorial Perpetual Shield for Supreme Champion Hack
Supreme Champion Hack - $100 sponsored by Dubbo Meat Centre.
(Champion Hack, Champion Galloway & Champion Pony Hack only eligible)
To be judged by A & B Ring Judges
Led Classes
1. Led Mare or Gelding 14hh & n/e 15hh.
2. Led Mare or Gelding over 15hh.
Champion Led Mare or Gelding
Reserve Champion Led Mare or Gelding
Ridden Classes
3. Galloway Hack Ridden 14hh & n/e 14.2hh.
4. Galloway Hack Ridden 14.2hh & n/e 15hh.
5. Adults Galloway Hack (to be ridden by rider 17 yrs & over).
6. Pleasure Galloway Hack.
7. Childs Galloway Hack (to be ridden by rider under 17yrs).
8. Educated Galloway Hack 14hh n/e 15hh.
Champion Galloway Hack
Reserve Champion Galloway Hack
Show Hunter Galloway (over 14hh n/e 15 hh).
9. Show Hunter Galloway 14hh n/e 14.2hh.
10. Show Hunter Galloway 14.2hh n/e 15hh.
11. Childs Show Hunter Galloway (ridden by rider U17 years).
12. Adults Show Hunter Galloway (17 years and over).
Champion Show Hunter Galloway $40 and Reserve
13. Show Hunter Hack over 15hh n/e 15.2hh.
14. Show Hunter Hack 15.2hh n/e 16hh
15. Show Hunter Hack 16hh n/e 16.2hh.
16. Show Hunter Hack over 16.2hh.
Champion Show Hunter Hack 40 and Reserve
17. Pair of Galloway Hacks 14hh n/e 15hh.
18. Hack 15hh n/e 15.2hh.
19. Hack 15.2hh n/e 16hh.
20. Hack 16hh n/e 16.2hh.
21. Hack 16.2hh & over.
22. Pleasure Hack 15hh & over.
23. Adults Hack 15hh & over (to be ridden by rider 17yrs & over).
24. Childs Hack 15hh & over (to be ridden by rider 12 & under 17yrs).
25. Educated Hack 15hh & over
Champion Hack
Reserve Champion Hack
26. Station Hack (Galloways eligible) single rein. (Station Hack to be worked as Judge directs)
27. Pair of Hacks over 15hh.
28. Lady Rider (17 years & under 21 years).
29. Lady Rider (21 years & over).
Champion Lady Rider
Reserve Champion Lady Rider
30. Gentleman Rider (17 years & under 21 years).
31. Gentleman Rider (21 years & over).
Champion Gentleman Rider
Reserve Champion Gentleman Rider
Ring B
Led Classes
32. Pony Mare or Gelding n/e 13hh.
33. Pony Mare or Gelding 13hh and n/e 13.2hh.
34. Pony Mare or Gelding 13.2hh n/e 14hh.
Champion Led Pony Mare or Gelding
Reserve Champion Led Pony Mare or Gelding
35. Led Girl/Boy Rider (not eligible to ride in ridden rider classes)
36. Best Turned Out Junior Rider under 13 years.
37. Best Turned Out Junior Rider 13 & under 17yrs.
Ridden Rider Classes
38. Girl Rider under 8 years
39. Boy Rider under 8 years
40. Girl Rider 8 years and under 10 years
41. Boy Rider 8 years and under 10 years
42. Girl Rider 10 years and under 12 years
43. Boy Rider 10 years and under 12 years
44. Girl Rider 12 years and under 15 years
45. Boy Rider 12 years and under 15 years
46. Girl Rider 15 years and under 17 years
47. Boy Rider 15 years and under 17 years
Champion Junior Girl Rider & Reserve (under 12 years)
Champion Junior Boy Rider & Reserve (under 12 years)
Champion Senior Girl Rider & Reserve
Champion Senior Boy Rider & Reserve
48. Best Pair Boy/Girl Riders under 13 years
49. Best Pair Boy/Girl Riders 13 years and under 17 years
Jac Thompson Overall Grand Champion Boy or Girl
Perpetual Trophy for Sportsmanship under 17 years presented by Ringmaster Frank Kerr
50. Pony Hack n/e 12hh.
51. Pony Hack 12hh & n/e 13hh.
52. Pony Hack 13hh & n/e 13.2hh.
53. Pony Hack 13.2hh & n/e 14hh.
54. Child’s Pony Hack n/e 14hh (ridden by child under 17 yrs)
55. Child’s Pleasure Pony: to be ridden by rider under 15 yrs; ridden one hand;
free rein; to show free walk; good leader.
56. Educated Pony Hack n/e 14hh.
Champion Pony Hack $40 Sponsored by Dubbo Meat Centre
Reserve Champion Pony Hack $10 Sponsored by Dubbo Meat Centre
57. Pair of Pony Hacks.
Show Hunter Pony Hack Classes
58. Show Hunter Pony Hack n/e 12hh.
59. Show Hunter Pony Hack 12hh n/e 13hh.
60. Show Hunter Pony Hack 13hh n/e 13.2hh.
61. Show Hunter Pony Hack 13.2hh n/e14hh
62. Child’s Pony Hack n/e 14hh (ridden by child under 17 yrs)
Champion Show Hunter $40, Pony Hack and Reserve
Encouragement Award sponsored by Frank’s Outback Security